Ringside Ramblings from a Rally trial: FRIDAY, JAN. 9, 2015 7:01 p.m. – The countdown checklist Teddy groomed… check! Crate, pads and blanket in car… check! Armband holder, water, bowl, treats (gotta have treats)… check! Rally sign book, training leash, collar… check! Entry paperwork… check! Ringside chair… check! Breath mints, snacks, water… check! Phone/charger/poop bags… check! […]
Doorway manners: Training your Bernese Mountain Dog to wait (Video)
So, you have a 100-lb. Berner that loves his walks and wants to bolt out the door with you flying behind him like a magic carpet. If you have a stay/wait command, it’s easy to train a dog to wait for you to go through the door first. You can start out training at a door […]