A few years ago, I wrote these words before attending the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America National Specialty. It was a reminder to myself to keep things in perspective. So many people have asked for it, I turned it into an 11" by 17" poster. You can purchase "The Important Stuff" poster … [Keep reading, there's more ...]

Eileen’s First Aid Kit for Dogs: How to put one together
By Eileen Blass
Where’s that Liquid Bandage!!! That’s what I was saying under my breath after one of the Berners suffered a paw pad injury a few weeks ago. Last week I had to hunt for ear cleaner and cotton squares. And I can never find the styptic powder when I need it. We’ve had a human first aid … [Keep reading, there's more ...]

About Eileen Blass
I’ve loved dogs all my life. My fascination with the beautiful tri-color Swiss breeds started in 2002, when I worked on a story for USA TODAY that featured Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. When I discovered the Bernese Mountain Dog, I fell in love hard and knew that these beautiful hairy beasts would be in my life in a big way. And they certainly have been. Teddy, our first Berner, competed in Obedience and Rally. He earned his Beginner Novice, … Keep reading, there's more ...