A few years ago, I wrote these words before attending the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America National Specialty. It was a reminder to myself to keep things in perspective.
TATTOO or not TATTOO? . . . or am I just completely nuts?
I’m a wuss.
With a pain tolerance so low, I went weak in the knees when I had my ears pierced.
So why was I even pondering this question?
Tattoo or not tattoo?
My daughter, Katie, reminded me that my firstborn, her brother, was a whopping 10 lbs. 7 oz. So I should be able to suffer through anything, right?
Yeah, well, that blessed event was made possible with an epidural.
So, when Katie and I walked into the Allentown, PA, tattoo parlor, naturally I asked if I could have an epidural.
Our tattoo artist, Matt Kramer, owner of Mind’s Eye tattoo, grinned.
He thought I was joking.